I might make a podcast!

Published on 4 September 2022 at 03:37

Note: This blog post was proofread by my good friend, no one, so don't mention any typos or grammatical errors. If something doesn't make sense, figure it out.


For years, I've always wanted to make a podcast to just talk. No video needed, just audio! However, I have never been able to do it. If you look at my YouTube videos, you may notice I rarely use my voice in videos. This is because I didn't like using my voice. Realize I said "didn't," not "don't." If you move away from YouTube and take a look at TikTok, my voice is featured in almost every video. This makes it quite obvious that I feel comfortable using my voice. However, through the first years of my original YouTube channel, I was underage. Like, really underage. I created the channel when I was a little over a month away from being 7 years old. Therefore, it wasn't a wise idea to use my voice, if I even knew how to. Anyways, that doesn't really matter, I don't need to explain my life story. Anyways, TikTok heavily contains people using their microphone and camera to make videos, so I do the same. It's quick and easy to do. Basically, TikTok has made me more comfortable with making content using my voice. This makes it perfect, because now I feel fine doing the main thing a podcast needs: talking.

Why make a podcast?

Now, there are a few reasons I'd like to do a podcast. First, making a TikTok or otherwise any other video requires some sort of visual content. Podcasts are different, and only require audio with the only visual content needed is a cover, or whatever you'd like to call it. Next, TikTok is my most active platform, with at least one video being made everyday. Therefore, if I wanted to do something using my voice, I would use TikTok. The problem with TikTok is that videos are limited to 10 minutes, and the limit is set to even less than half of that, 3 minutes, when recording in the app. And again, TikTok requires visual content, or otherwise viewers won't watch the entire way through, and people don't do that anyways, as people don't look at TikTok to watch long form content. So, the main reason why I'd want to start a podcast is because there's no visual content needed, and I can break free from the 10 minute limit that TikTok puts onto videos.

what would the podcast be about?

The podcast would be about many things. I would talk about things that make me angry, upset, confused, or things I'm otherwise interested in and would like to talk about. It would include my opinions on what I'm talking about while trying to make the topic interesting. There would also be possible inclusion of other people in my podcast to get their opinions or to start a discussion on the topic with others. Now, I don't have anything fully planned, so if I do make this happen (which I really hope I do), things may change. I also can only give a very vague description or otherwise I'd have to start making things up that likely aren't going to happen. But, I do have an idea for some episodes, and what it would be called.

Woof? A new name?

The name would probably be "Can We Talk About This? with Overgreen." I believe this is a perfect title for a podcast related to what I would be doing. However, I don't think this is exactly the best. I'm open to suggestions, so leave a comment. ;)

As for the name of episodes, they would all follow a format similar to the title. For example, if I'm talking about Windows 11, the episode title would be "Can We Talk About Windows 11?"

the problems (and solutions) with a podcast

Now that I'm looking at it actually read out, I do notice that there is a problem with this. The format of me talking about one thing would probably get boring quickly, most likely causing people to stop listening after the first couple of episodes. Now, I feel like when starting out, this wouldn't be an issue, and first-day listeners wouldn't see a problem, as I would release an episode every week or two, and they would just listen to one episode. However, listeners that discover the podcast months or maybe even a year later would have many episodes to go through, creating a pile of randomness for those that would like to listen from the start to the newest episode, and then those who miss a few episodes, day-one listeners or not would have to then listen to random episodes to be caught up. Now, I did think of a solution for this. Make the episodes shorter. It makes them easier to listen to, takes less time to record and edit, and would allow anyone to get caught up quickly. Seems like a win/win, right? Um, no. If I wanted to make short form content, I would be posting things to TikTok instead, which is the thing I was saying was making me want to make a podcast. So, I don't really have a solution for that. And the next problem with a podcast is that I'd probably run out of ideas for episodes. I have ideas for the first, maybe, 5 episodes, then after that, unless I come up with ideas later, I would be stuck. Now, luckily, this is an easy solution. First of all, I might not even have a problem. Maybe I'm just overthinking, and I have more ideas, but I'm just not thinking of them now. And, at the point that I do finally get stuck, if people want me to talk about a particular topic, they can tell me, whether it be through Discord, Twitter DMs, or even a comment right here, on a new page on this website. Of course, there are countless other issues (this whole blog post being one of them in a way), but that's all I can really think of at this point.

Will this actually exist?




Not even a sneak peek?


Extra things

This blog post isn't over yet! I have a few more things to say. Outside of my article on the UnderscoreSquad Wiki and some social media posts, I haven't mentioned something really important. I no longer have access to my main YouTube channel, or the Google account associated with it. Yes, that's right, my YouTube channel with over 3K subscribers is now lost and has a low chance of being recovered. Therefore, all links have been moved to my new YouTube channel, with only 25 subscribers. Unfortunately, that's all I can really do at this point, rather than contact Google Support and most likely either be told they can't help me out or have my account and channel completely deleted because my account was created when I was underage. Now, don't expect any videos to be uploaded often there, either. As I mention often across the internet, I am more active on my Twitter, Instagram, and especially, TikTok. Those links can be found at the bottom of this page. Now, if you're tired reading, I have one last thing to say. There is a secret page on this website. It can only be accessed by having the direct link. If you find it, which I believe to be pretty a pretty easy task (hopefully), you have something I've told absolutely no one publicly, congraulations! However, make sure not to share the link with anyone else 😜✌🏻

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